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799 Canadian dollars

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The AIDA ** freediver course is the foundation freediving course covering the necessary skills and knowledge for recreational freediver to safely freedive with or without a guideline. You will be introduced to four freediving disciplines : static apnea, dynamic apnea, free immersion and constant weight. The course will follow your abilities and it is not a competitive course. Enjoying is the most important point for us. We will first start in confined water and then explore the beautiful NorthWest Pacific while freediving. Min Age Requirement: Be 18 years of age or older (16 years with parent or guardian consent). Program Day: 3 Days Program Prerequisites: AIDA 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- AIDA ** 自由潜水员课程是自由潜水的基础课程,涵盖了休闲自由潜水员在有指导或无指导的情况下安全进行自由潜水所需的技能和知识。 您将学习四个自由潜水项目:静态呼吸暂停、动态呼吸暂停、自由沉浸和恒重。课程将根据您的能力而定,并非竞技课程。 对我们来说,享受是最重要的一点。我们将首先在封闭的水域中开始,然后在自由潜水的同时探索美丽的西北太平洋。 最低年龄要求: 年满 18 周岁(16 周岁须经父母或监护人同意)。 课程时长: 3 天 必备条件:完成AIDA 1

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